
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Living within Our Means, instead of Being Imprisoned by Our Wants

Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that build your house. Proverbs 24:27

“Wealth is a planned result that requires productive work and dedication., “The plans of the diligent lead only to abundance; but all who rush in arrive only at want” (CJB, Proverbs 21:5).”

Since I had a little time on my hands this week, J I decided to put together a budget for myself until August. This, in itself; is monumental for me lol. Since currently I am working as a certified teachers aide and on the way to becoming a teacher, I have resigned myself to the fact that budgeting will be a practice I will be doing for many years to come.  Budgeting gets a bad rap – its not very exciting to think of ways to “save money”. However, I actually felt a sense of empowerment of planning how much I will save and when I will be able to reach some financial goals. Could it possibly mean that I am on the way to becoming financially responsible at the ripe old age of 43? J Some of us are late bloomers, aren’t we?

What does the bible say about budgeting? Many times the bible discusses virtues such as  perserverance, diligence in practices such as “tithing”. My dad always has stressed the importance of tithing as a way to be financially responsible and one of the ways to receive God’s blessing.  The first step in becoming financially responsible and blessed is to recognize God as the source of your prosperity. We may have worked a job, but it’s God who gave us our lives, our breath, our talents, our abilities, the power to think, and the blessing of living at a time of unparalleled opportunity in one of the most prosperous nations in the world. We didn’t do any of that! Budgeting another way for us to learn lessons and recognize blessings from God through continued stewardship and discipline. Not the easiest lesson, but an important one.

Father God – Thank you so much for blessing us with what we currently have. Thank you for lessons we learn about stewardship and discipline. Remind us that to be blessed by You, we have to consistently take care of what we already have. Give us discipline in our spending and saving habits to strengthen our stewardship. Even though at times, it seems that it’s easier for others to make “ends meet”- help us to be thankful for All the blessings we have through You. Amen

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