Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
These verses were on my mind for a few days now. I think this is a good biblical example of how God views the role of family. When family are physically sick, are in emotional downturns, going through "storms", God points out through verses and parables how we are to care for them as example of his Love. This has been especially on my heart since my parents have been "under the weather" and deailing with illness.
Our extended family "strives" to hold Christian values. We have had very many good role models DESPITE our society that provides a mindset of independence. A mindset based on "me and mine" versus "us and ours". I remember my paternal grandpa caring for his mother when she was in need of care at an older age. My mother was able to provide care to her elderly father despite conflicts in their relationship. My father, very much a "caregiver" has given care to my mother, my stepmother, to me, to my child when sick and other family members when in need.
God points out through many passages and parables. Luke 10:30-35 - describes a Good Samaritan coming by a man, beaten stripped and robbed. He took him to an inn, asked the innkeeper to take care of him and paid him what was required to stay. And said "'Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I return, I will repay you.'
Matthew 25:35-40 God wants us to feed the hungry, clothe the poor and unfortunate, take care of the sick. God states 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'
As individuals, we never know when we are going to be the "ones that are cared for" or "the caregivers". However, as family/loved ones, to be faithful and caring to our other loved ones in need is a fundamental belief that God reminds us to uphold. When we do we are making sure that are family is taken care of. Also, its very rewarding to take care of others when we have been taken care of in some point in our lives.
Father God - Thank you so much for taking care of us during times of need through the care of special loved ones and friends. Help us to learn to give back and to be loyal, faithful and compassionate to those in need. Help us to uphold family as a gift that you give us. Thank you for your blessings and unfailing love. Amen.
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