
About Me

Hey there...I'm Shelley..the voice behind Finding Our Joy in the  Journey......

And that?

It's a website dedicated to seeking joy in life, specifically as women who wear "many hats" . Intentional  and inspirational living, if you may. And that life philosophy? Well, you need to know a bit about me to know what I write about.

My life and how it relates to joy? I've had a decent share of challenging, nitty-gritty, time in the storm days. You know those days? Those are the days where you just want to pull your hair out and you don't know how to pull up your boot straps and you simply feel overwhelmed. Real days.

Professionally,  I have worked as a masters level psychotherapist with children, adults, families and couples for several years. I am currently in the educational field pursuing a certification in secondary education. But, most importantly, I strive to be a Christian mother and woman who tries to understand that "joy" is something we can have everyday if we focus spiritually. 

Through all of this the I've learned the value of living a life loving the little things - the moments - tucked in the fabric of the everyday. And in that is a quest to live joyfully and fully. Now. In this moment.  No more waiting for things to get better, no lamenting the time lost, but rather finding joy in everyday - even when the everyday doesn't look perfect. It's in choosing to life today to it's fullest, being thankful, and above all grateful. Gratitude is a choice and is something one must learn. And so on this site it's a celebration of the little things, the moments in life, that matter.

In paying bills, doctor visits,schooling, cooking,  parenting, cleaning, working, laughing, organizing, crying, praying, and in just well, everyday daily life.And that's what this website is about -- my constant journey to find joy and to share with you that you, in the midst of your journey, are not alone. Let's just call it a spot to breathe in a busy and crowded online world full of should do this and should do that's -- it's a site of encouragement for women and a bit of intentional living mixed in.

  My desire is to celebrate you - the christian woman on  journey and to cheer you onward, provoke thinking and inspire hope..

Because that's my heart.

It's a finding joy loving the little things embracing the everyday life heart.


And make sure to join  other subscribers and get finding joy in your inbox each time a new post is written. It's free. And will be full of encouragement, humor, and will be celebration of womanhood, motherhood. Of you.

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