Shelley Morris, M.R.C. Spiritual Growth for Individuals through practical biblical application for everyday lives.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Letting Go..... Moving On.....
33 For He is not a God of confusion and disorder but of peace and order. As [is the practice] in all the churches of God’s people1 Corinthians 14:33 Bible (AMP)
32 And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free John 8:32 (AMP)
"Surrender . . .sacrificing my life or suffering in order to change what needs to be changed"
― Rick Warren
"It is what it is", "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear", "if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, flies like a duck - its a duck".
Yes, these sayings are overused and somewhat annoying. However, there is truth behind each cliche mentioned. How many times have we tried to "rationalize" our thoughts or behaviors and not accepted reality for what a person is, a situation is, etc? Realizing truth is a simple and uncomplicated act. Hard to do, mind you - but simple. Its only when we complicate things by : doing what we want to do instead of doing God's will/doing the "right thing, wanting to build someone, a relationship, a job up instead of accepting "truth" that life becomes messy.
So, how do we keep ourselves grounded in God's will for our lives? Difficult to do at times when we "want what we want". However, communication with Him through bible study and prayer can aid in getting a "reality check". From past experience, if I do these things regularly; something inside me tells me when situations, people aren't truly what I think they are or want them to be.
Father God - Thank you so much that you never steer us (Your Children) wrong. Help us to find the truth, hold on to it and use it to make wise decisions about what to "hang on" to and what to "let go". Encourage us to not think about what's lost but what we will be gaining up ahead, through Your power and love. Amen.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Confronting Challenges with the Power of Christ
But Caleb tried to quiet the people as they stood before Moses. "Let’s go at once to take the land," he said. "We can certainly conquer it!" Numbers 13:30
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:3
"Whatever we run away from, God will make us run back into until we confront, solve and heal" Joyce Meyer (love Joyce Meyer )
When I say the name Moses, what do you think of?
Man of Faith?
Great divider of the Red Sea
Great leader of Israel out of Egypt.
Great lawgiver of the Old Testament.
Extraordinary man of God?
Moses was an ordinary man and God had an EXTRAORDINARY plan for him. He dealt with self doubt, lack of faith, low self confidence, etc. Does this sound familiar?:)
To increase Moses' faith, God rescued Moses from death as a baby and was rescued by an Eygptian princess, turned Moses' staff into a serpent, showed Himself to Moses as a burning bush AND the list goes on.......How many signs have we gotten from God to help us make a move, make a right decision?Moses was focused and fears and obstacles instead of having faith that God knows what he is doing.
When we are afraid sometimes, we stop thinking. Moses is focused on his fears and his fears are hindering him from doing what God is leading him to do.
Fear can keep us from doing things God wants us to do.
This can apply to our relationships, past hurts, jobs, work in the church, etc. Instead of focusing on the FEAR of what can be lost, focusing on FAITH when we confront and move forward can illuminate the path that we are to take with God's direction.
Father God - Thank you for giving us strength to confront challenges past and current hurts that come across our paths. Remind us that some of the strongest leaders, such as Moses, had pattern of running away from problems instead of confronting.However, You were able to turn his weakness into strength in Your time. Encourage us that it is never to late to confront and move on to healing. Thank You for Your limitless patience and Your love. Amen
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Gratitude - Understanding Our Past, Peace for Today , Vision for Tomorrow
We are assured and know that [[a]God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose Romans 8:28
"No matter how messy our "mess" is, God is good and works everything to His Purpose" Joyce Meyer
Woke up feeling frustrated. Have you had those mornings? Thinking about a million things. Wondering what's going to happen? Wishing that things were different? yada yada. Well, that was me today. In the midst of applying for a teaching license, getting paperwork together, applying for teaching positions, I felt a sense of frustration. Wish I knew what was going to happen "NOW" this instant! Why can't God work that way? lolol
So after spending some time on paperwork this morning, I decided, after putting it off for a while, to do the treadmill. . And "lo and behold" - Joyce Meyer was talking of having "gratitude" instead of complaining about our circumstances! Was she talking to ME? :-)
We can choose focus on the obstacles in front of us or we can choose to focus on progress we have made, through God's support and love. He wants us to grow in the midst of frustration and "waiting" (isn't my strong suit - is it yours?). However, if we look back when we "seek His will" things work out. Maybe not in "our" time or in "our" way but all things work together for His purpose.
Father God - Thank You for knowing so much more about our lives, our circumstances than we do. Remind us to have faith in You instead of grumbling because things aren't going the way "we want them to". Help us to focus on the things that You have given us and being grateful for today. Amen
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Laughter - Medicine for the Soul
22 A happy heart is like good medicine, but a broken spirit drains your strength. Proverbs 17:22
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane." Robert Frost - lol
Yes I'll admit. I've been having the case of the stir crazies this last go around of snow/ice. You know the feeling - desperately wanting to go out and do something "anything". Having watched everything you wanted to watch on "netfilx" :-), catching up on the laundry, balancing the checkbook..... then thinking "what else is there to do"? Have you been there? lol
My dad, stepmom and I decided to get together and play cards. Something I know I haven't done in 10 forevers. And did we have fun - I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. They did too:-).Boy did I need that! Don't you believe that God "knew" we needed laughter to get through rough patches, restless times, times we couldn't control? When we are able to tap into the humurous side of life, the erupting laughter becomes a mighty healing stream. - "medicine for the soul". Many believers cannot accept that laughter is part of God's relationship with us.
Father God - Thank you so much for creating us to laugh with each other- to heal, to get through restless and tough times. Remind us that we need "each other" in fellowship to help each other through. Remind us that when we think of Your Love for us that we can be joyful of the purpose that You have for us. Thank you for being our Creator. Amen.
Monday, March 3, 2014
God - The "Weaver" of Life's Tapestry
and give thanks whatever happens. That is what God wants for you in Christ Jesus. 1Thessalonians 5:18
"There are no 'if's' in God's world. And no places that are safer than other places. The center of His will is our only safety - let us pray that we may always know it!"― Corrie ten Boom
We live in a world, a country where self-reliance and "self sufficiency" is rewarded, admired, looked up to. "Pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps" is viewed as strength. However, when does strength turn into "pride" and NOT relying on God's direction.
Personally, this is something that has been a struggle for me. Making decisions, doing what "I' believe is necessary has led me down some rough roads in the past. As I get older, I realize the importance of asking God for direction, praying/meditating before making a move. Makes life a little easier/the journey a little smoother. God wants us to be in the middle of His Will for the greater good of His Children - not just what we want to do or what we feel is necessary in the "temporary" situations. God is "the weaver" of the tapestry of our lives. Lets trust him to make our tapestry beautiful with every thread/every situation that he allows us to be a part of. Let's have faith enough in Him to have strength in all circumstances.
Father God - Thank you so much for wanting to guide us for good in all things - if we have faith and rely on you. Help us to acknowledge when we want to "take the reigns" and come back for you for direction and strength. Please help us grow in our humility knowing Your way is the only way. Thank you for your strength and guidance. Amen.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Destiny is Shaped By Our Decisions
If you wander from the right path, either to the right or to the left, you will hear a voice behind you saying, "You should go this way. Here is the right way."Isaiah 30:21
"Once you decide to do right, life is easy, there are no distractions." ― William Edgar Stafford
Decision-making. Something we all do daily and appears somewhat mundane. However, daily decision making is something that is SO important. Decisions about career, relationships, school. Decisions about "making and doing the right choice" vs. deciding to do "what pleases us". When we break it down, these little decisions/choices that we make shape our path for the future.
Convictions, beliefs, standards in this day in this age get a bad rap, in my opinion. "Do what you feel", "go with the path of least resistance", etc encourage us to decide with what "pleasures" us. However, when we accept God's guidance in decision-maing which usually results in delaying gratification; we can reap rewards that He provides for us.
Is it easy to have convictions/standards? NO. Is it a daily battle? YES. Will we make wrong choices? OF COURSE - we are human. However, when we notice we are heading down a wrong path; its never too late to call on God to help us get back on the right path. He's waiting and wanting us to lean on Him because we are His children.
Father God - Thank you so much for "establishing our steps" for good, wanting good for us. Help us to listen and lean on you for daily decision making to ease or path in life. If we stray away, help us to run back to You for guidance and decisions. Thank you for loving us so much. Amen
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Respect is Earned, Loyalty is Returned
Loyalty. A virtue difficult to come by nowadays, in my opinion. Instant food, instant access to movies, disposible water bottles, plastic bags. Its so easy to throw away things nowadays. However, isn't it nice to have stability? To know something or "someone" is going to be there for a long time? Whether it be a good friend, your partner, family, something "material" that stands the test of time?
At work, we were looking through the "urban dictionary". I will admit that I am "old" and some of the things the kids at school say I have no idea about and am "way out of the loop" of slang. However, on a positive note; they had a definition of "loyals" in there. Great that our young adults have a way (though not coventional) to define loyalty:
These are the people you can trust to have your back all the time, you can close both eyes when sleeping and they got you covered or turn your back on them and you know nothing will happen. They will never abandon you.
How many "loyals" we have around us? How many people are we "loyal" to? How are we demonstrating loyalty to others ?
Father God - Thank you so much for NEVER leaving us, even when may have left you for a time. Help us to grow in loyalty to people in our lives that support us, love us and are truthful to us when we need it. Help us to do the same to our friends, family and partners. Thank you for your awesome love. Amen
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Patience - The Ability to See Past Emotion
2 Always be humble, gentle, and
patient, accepting each other in love. Ephesians 4:2
you are tempted to lose your patience with something or someone, think about
how patience God is with you all the time" Anonymous
Patience. Endurance, staying power,
persistence, perseverance, tolerance, forebearance, fortitude, serentity, etc.
Is patience as hard for you to maintain as it is for me at times? Wanting something to happen yesterday? Wanting to give in when things get a little
difficult? Wanting things to happen that We want to happen when we want
them to happen? I can truly
admit that I fall in this trap at times. What's the problem with "impatience"? We develop expectations of situations
and/or people that are impossible to meet, resulting in frustration. We give up on a plan before it has a chance
to bear fruit and start reaping the rewards that God wants us to receive. We
get angry and do things we regret, falling way short of attempting to show
God's example of love/patience to others.
We lose our serenity and peace when we get angry over what others
are doing or not doing.
Lots of things in life need to age to be of the best quality:
Cheese: This is true
for semi-hard and hard cheeses like cheddar and Parmigiana-Reggiano, along with
soft-ripened cheeses such as blue cheeses, Brie, and limburger. Without proper
aging, these delectable cheeses would lack their distinctive flavor and
characteristic texture.
Friendships: They deepen with age as you further recognize and value the joy of companionship.
Friendships: They deepen with age as you further recognize and value the joy of companionship.
Older trees produce higher quality fruit -- as long as they are pruned and
properly cared for.
Cooking skills: Only an experienced cook knows how to shave time off the preparation of a meal and, equally important, confidently bring a somewhat botched meal to the table and successfully convince the dinner guests that it turned out exactly as planned. :-)
Cooking skills: Only an experienced cook knows how to shave time off the preparation of a meal and, equally important, confidently bring a somewhat botched meal to the table and successfully convince the dinner guests that it turned out exactly as planned. :-)
the list goes on........
Father God - Thank you so much for situations that help our patience grow. We may not be aware of it in the middle of things, but You are wanting us to grow and reap the rewards of developing patience. Help us to persevere and "stay in the game' rather than giving up when things get difficult. Thank You for the patience and love you show us, Your children. Amen.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
"Though our feelings come and go, God's love for us does not." C. S. Lewis
7 Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Matthew 22:37-39
I visited Reynolds Park Baptist Church this morning with my brother. Wonderful service. Pastor Chad Randall discussed how "limited" our intellectual understanding of God's love is. And, most importantly; how relying on God's love can help us better understand His love for us.
What "limits" our understanding of love? Abusive relationships, "conditional" love from others, neglect in childhood and in relationships, etc. We all are born with situations that hinder our ability to love in our "human" way. HOWEVER, God's love for us limitless, unconditional and incomprensensible for us. Isn't He amazing? How do we know we have God's love in our hearts?
1) God's Love produces Joy (not temporary happiness - conditional on the situation we are in)
2) God's Love moves us from a "victim" mindset to a "VICTORY" mindset
3) God's love is frequently demonstrated TO us - through His plan and our daily life.
4) God's love is demonstrated THROUGH us - its not an act of us "doing" - its relying on Him to guide us to help and love others.
Father God - Thank you so much for loving us uncondtionally. Help us to daily search and rely on you to guide us to love ourselves and others when its hard for us to do because of our past experiences. Help us to love others with all our mind, heart and soul to show others what love truly is. Amen.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Children - The Absolute Best Valentines Gift from God
And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was on him. Luke 2:40
I DEFINITELY do not claim to know the mind of God - by ANY means. However, don't you know he was and is so very proud of His Son? That he reveled in His Son's love for mankind and the wisdom that he bestowed to others about love, redemption, forgiveness and living?
What an example we have for parenting! He loved His son so much, yet loved us too. He allowed his son to die so that we may accept him and have eternal life...Very difficult to see His Son in such pain for such an important purpose.
I think (though not perfect) that we have a portion of that love for our kids. We love them so much, its so easy to "brag" (yes brag - I admit lol) about their accomplishments, their hearts and what they do. But I guess the greatest thing we can teach and see about our children is the "love they give others". Maybe, hopefully we have influenced them to be good, caring individuals - productive and making a difference...
Thank you Shelbye for giving me my best Valentine and being a daughter that I am so proud of!
I DEFINITELY do not claim to know the mind of God - by ANY means. However, don't you know he was and is so very proud of His Son? That he reveled in His Son's love for mankind and the wisdom that he bestowed to others about love, redemption, forgiveness and living?
What an example we have for parenting! He loved His son so much, yet loved us too. He allowed his son to die so that we may accept him and have eternal life...Very difficult to see His Son in such pain for such an important purpose.
I think (though not perfect) that we have a portion of that love for our kids. We love them so much, its so easy to "brag" (yes brag - I admit lol) about their accomplishments, their hearts and what they do. But I guess the greatest thing we can teach and see about our children is the "love they give others". Maybe, hopefully we have influenced them to be good, caring individuals - productive and making a difference...
Thank you Shelbye for giving me my best Valentine and being a daughter that I am so proud of!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
"When we see the ending up ahead—let it go and fly."
The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride. 9 Do not be
in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. Ecclesiastes 7:8-9
Beginnings imply and require endings." ― Ann Leckie, Ancillary Justice
Endings happen for all sorts reasons for each of us. The graduation of children from high school is a new beginning for them to become more independent, launching them out into the world. Very exciting for our children, and could be a somewhat sad ending for us, parents :). A job that ends could mean, that a new job will open new doors and a more fulfilling life. An ending of a life, though tragic if we love someone very much; moves us into a new chapter of living life without them. An end to a relationship leads to reflection and a new chance to start again with better handle on what a relationship takes, learning from mistakes and moving forward.
A universal symbol of ending and beginning resulting in transformation is the ancient legend of the phoenix. It tells of an amazing bird who at a ripe old age builds a nest for itself, ignites it, and is consumed by the fire. From the ashes of its own ending, a new phoenix emerges.
With God's "prodding" :) I am beginning to learn that life provides us with a continual dance of transformation as outworn understandings, possessions, habits, relationships, and ways of being give way to new ones. When an ending comes knocking, its not necessary to fear. Honor and praise God with the opportunity to learn and grow from endings Continuing to have faith, through God's guidance that the "phoenix" inside us lives.We just have to "let ourselves fly".
Father God - Thank you for endings (though sad oftentimes) that bring to us NEW beginnings. Help us have faith that You only want what is the best for us and have plans made just for us. Remind us to come to You when these transitions are happening to give us strength. Thank You so much for the learned wisdom and transformation that these changes provide for us, through Your guidance. Amen.
in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. Ecclesiastes 7:8-9
Beginnings imply and require endings." ― Ann Leckie, Ancillary Justice
Endings happen for all sorts reasons for each of us. The graduation of children from high school is a new beginning for them to become more independent, launching them out into the world. Very exciting for our children, and could be a somewhat sad ending for us, parents :). A job that ends could mean, that a new job will open new doors and a more fulfilling life. An ending of a life, though tragic if we love someone very much; moves us into a new chapter of living life without them. An end to a relationship leads to reflection and a new chance to start again with better handle on what a relationship takes, learning from mistakes and moving forward.
A universal symbol of ending and beginning resulting in transformation is the ancient legend of the phoenix. It tells of an amazing bird who at a ripe old age builds a nest for itself, ignites it, and is consumed by the fire. From the ashes of its own ending, a new phoenix emerges.
With God's "prodding" :) I am beginning to learn that life provides us with a continual dance of transformation as outworn understandings, possessions, habits, relationships, and ways of being give way to new ones. When an ending comes knocking, its not necessary to fear. Honor and praise God with the opportunity to learn and grow from endings Continuing to have faith, through God's guidance that the "phoenix" inside us lives.We just have to "let ourselves fly".
Father God - Thank you for endings (though sad oftentimes) that bring to us NEW beginnings. Help us have faith that You only want what is the best for us and have plans made just for us. Remind us to come to You when these transitions are happening to give us strength. Thank You so much for the learned wisdom and transformation that these changes provide for us, through Your guidance. Amen.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
An example of "Bromance" before it was cool... :-) Tribute to Danny Latham
Danny Latham - definitely knew the secret of how to have lemons and turn them into lemonade...
went to a visitation of Danny Latham. We arrived early and it looked like alot of people had that idea lol. Walking into the visitation with my dad, Irvin and stepmom; my mind was flooded of memories about Danny and Patty and their relationship with my dad and mom many years ago.
Images of our families going to Florida every summer. Danny acting so funny, never meeting a stranger. And Dad - laughing, laughing, laughing. Never a dull moment when Danny was around. Remembering the times mom and dad going on cruises with Danny and Patty. Mom always snapped tons of pictures all with stories to tell of Danny and Dad's antics.
Memories of my mom, dad, Danny and Patty playing cards every weekend. Funny thing about Danny and dad; even though they knew one was going to scare the other when they got together - they acted like it scared them like crazy. Funny....
Danny brought out the best side of dad = relaxed, and having a ball.. Dad told me one time "Everybody should have a "Danny" that they can let there hair down with and have fun". It was nice to see that friendship between the two of them.
As the years went by, my mother past away - which was a big blow for all of us that loved her so much. Danny and Patty didn't come over as much. However, I know that Dad and Danny, kept in touch and I knew they were close. A friendship that weathered changes.
I overheard dad talking with another man that knew "Danny" very well. He said "If you can count the number of close friends on your had you have done well. Danny was one of mine. He knew me warts and all. We kept each other laughing and loved each other all the same".
Rest in peace - Danny Latham. We will sure miss you. And keep mom in line up there, will ya? ;-)
Self Worth - purely secular or simply embracing God's love for us?
Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Romans 12:9 (MSG)
"Friendship- my definition- is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don't have trust, the friendship will crumble." ― Stieg Larsson,
Self-control, self-reliance, self-worth, self-esteem, self-view. Lots of psychological terms that all define loving ourselves. When researching bible commentary regarding this subject, I was surprised that many Christian authors, ministers, scholars have a view that "loving ourselves" is secularism. Created by man to perpetrate the belief that man does not need God - that power is within "self."
Hmmm, I can understand that we can get "full of ourselves" and become too self reliant to depend on God. Actually, have been there and done that and suffered consequences. BUT what about the portion of us who struggle with self esteem and are Christian? Those of us that love others and sacrifice ourselves to please others? Have others well being foremost at heart rather than our own? There has to be a balance and a spiritual viewpoint regarding low self esteem.
I believe God "wants" us to have a healthy view of ourselves. . Jesus said that we should love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:39). That implies a sound concept of self-esteem. Sadly, however, many of us deal with a low appreciation of ourselves due to many factors (history of abuse, substance abuse, critical self thinking, being overly concerned with material things). Sometimes it affects are ability to love and serve God. This can times, permeate our relationships, drive our decisions. An unhealthy self-view can, thus, affect our lives. But there is "good news":-)
The Bible presents two simple facts which, if embraced, can provide us with a healthy self view and a mark of individual excellence.
1. We possesses dignity by virtue of our divine heritage (ie being made in the image of God.
2. Though everyone has dealt with or is dealing with sin, man can regain his self-esteem through the process of spiritual rebirth and regeneration.
Having a healthy self view is harder work for some of us than others. But it can be improved. We can find our voice, through God by embracing our heritage through him and having a close relationship with our "Father".
Father God - Thank you so much for Your great love for us and creating us "in Your image". Nudge us to love others as You love us. However, help us to remember that we are "Your children" and deserve to be treated as such in friendships/relationships. Thank You for Your faithfulness and constant love. Amen
"Friendship- my definition- is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don't have trust, the friendship will crumble." ― Stieg Larsson,
Self-control, self-reliance, self-worth, self-esteem, self-view. Lots of psychological terms that all define loving ourselves. When researching bible commentary regarding this subject, I was surprised that many Christian authors, ministers, scholars have a view that "loving ourselves" is secularism. Created by man to perpetrate the belief that man does not need God - that power is within "self."
Hmmm, I can understand that we can get "full of ourselves" and become too self reliant to depend on God. Actually, have been there and done that and suffered consequences. BUT what about the portion of us who struggle with self esteem and are Christian? Those of us that love others and sacrifice ourselves to please others? Have others well being foremost at heart rather than our own? There has to be a balance and a spiritual viewpoint regarding low self esteem.
I believe God "wants" us to have a healthy view of ourselves. . Jesus said that we should love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:39). That implies a sound concept of self-esteem. Sadly, however, many of us deal with a low appreciation of ourselves due to many factors (history of abuse, substance abuse, critical self thinking, being overly concerned with material things). Sometimes it affects are ability to love and serve God. This can times, permeate our relationships, drive our decisions. An unhealthy self-view can, thus, affect our lives. But there is "good news":-)
The Bible presents two simple facts which, if embraced, can provide us with a healthy self view and a mark of individual excellence.
1. We possesses dignity by virtue of our divine heritage (ie being made in the image of God.
2. Though everyone has dealt with or is dealing with sin, man can regain his self-esteem through the process of spiritual rebirth and regeneration.
Having a healthy self view is harder work for some of us than others. But it can be improved. We can find our voice, through God by embracing our heritage through him and having a close relationship with our "Father".
Father God - Thank you so much for Your great love for us and creating us "in Your image". Nudge us to love others as You love us. However, help us to remember that we are "Your children" and deserve to be treated as such in friendships/relationships. Thank You for Your faithfulness and constant love. Amen
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Living within Our Means, instead of Being Imprisoned by Our Wants
Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself
in the field, and after that build your house. Proverbs 24:27
“Wealth is a planned result that requires productive work
and dedication., “The plans of the diligent lead only to abundance; but all who
rush in arrive only at want” (CJB, Proverbs 21:5).”
Since I had a little time on my hands this week, J
I decided to put together a budget for myself until August. This, in itself; is
monumental for me lol. Since currently I am working as a certified teachers
aide and on the way to becoming a teacher, I have resigned myself to the fact
that budgeting will be a practice I will be doing for many years to come. Budgeting gets a bad rap – its not very
exciting to think of ways to “save money”. However, I actually felt a sense of
empowerment of planning how much I will save and when I will be able to reach
some financial goals. Could it possibly mean that I am on the way to becoming
financially responsible at the ripe old age of 43? J Some of us are late
bloomers, aren’t we?
Father God – Thank you so much for blessing us with what we currently have. Thank you for lessons we learn about stewardship and discipline. Remind us that to be blessed by You, we have to consistently take care of what we already have. Give us discipline in our spending and saving habits to strengthen our stewardship. Even though at times, it seems that it’s easier for others to make “ends meet”- help us to be thankful for All the blessings we have through You. Amen
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Attitude - Little Thing that Makes a Big Difference
Truth is truth wherever we are. Focusing on the good in every area of our lives is what Paul was advocating. Failure to recognize God's blessings in everyday living will cause us care and anxiety. Recognizing God's hand in even the smallest things will cause peace and will keep our hearts and minds focused on the positive road ahead.
Father God - Thank you so much for blessings we take note of and take "for granted". It is You that remains as a constant in our lives if WE allow it. Remind us that you gave us a heart and a mind to give us enthusiam to do positive things. Help us to let go of the negativity and focus on steps that can make us resilient and more effective for You. Amen.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Nature - Teacher of Patience
It is he who made the earth by his power,
who established the world by his wisdom,
and by his understanding stretched out the heavens. 13 When he utters his voice, there is a tumult of waters in the heavens, and he makes the mist rise from the ends of the earth.He makes lightning for the rain, and he brings forth the wind from his storehouses. Jeremiah 10:12-13
"It takes a real storm in the average person's life to make him realize how much worrying he has done over the squalls." ― Bruce Barton
I remember my mom saying one day " All you have to do in life is live and die". This was when she was first diagnosed with cancer. This statement, coming from a woman; who would try to move mountains to "get things done", was shocking to hear . This statement has stuck with me for many years. I believe my mother, who was fiercely independent, was saying - "there is only so much control that we (humans) have in life".
Father God or "Mother Nature" has a way of teaching us "what's important". Its not how many hours of work you put in, what you have to show for your hard work, the circle of friends that you run in, etc. Have you noticed that huge storms "level the playing field for everyone"?. That, oftentimes, serves as a impetus for us to "come together" - to help our neighbor, to move beyond our "self" and come together as a group to help?
I believe that God has a purpose for storms - in nature and in our emotional life. He shows us how powerful He is. Storms allow us to "step back" and learn signficant things. Storms force us to be dependent on Him for deliverance and blessing.
Father God - Remind us today that we grow from the emotional and natural storms of life. Help us to think beyond ourselves when storms come our way. Thank you so much for being the Ultimate Force in nature and that there is a purpose in everything You do.
and by his understanding stretched out the heavens. 13 When he utters his voice, there is a tumult of waters in the heavens, and he makes the mist rise from the ends of the earth.He makes lightning for the rain, and he brings forth the wind from his storehouses. Jeremiah 10:12-13
"It takes a real storm in the average person's life to make him realize how much worrying he has done over the squalls." ― Bruce Barton
I remember my mom saying one day " All you have to do in life is live and die". This was when she was first diagnosed with cancer. This statement, coming from a woman; who would try to move mountains to "get things done", was shocking to hear . This statement has stuck with me for many years. I believe my mother, who was fiercely independent, was saying - "there is only so much control that we (humans) have in life".
Father God or "Mother Nature" has a way of teaching us "what's important". Its not how many hours of work you put in, what you have to show for your hard work, the circle of friends that you run in, etc. Have you noticed that huge storms "level the playing field for everyone"?. That, oftentimes, serves as a impetus for us to "come together" - to help our neighbor, to move beyond our "self" and come together as a group to help?
I believe that God has a purpose for storms - in nature and in our emotional life. He shows us how powerful He is. Storms allow us to "step back" and learn signficant things. Storms force us to be dependent on Him for deliverance and blessing.
Father God - Remind us today that we grow from the emotional and natural storms of life. Help us to think beyond ourselves when storms come our way. Thank you so much for being the Ultimate Force in nature and that there is a purpose in everything You do.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Winning Out in the Long Run
"With this goal in mind, I strive toward the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 3:14
The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it. Mack R. Douglas
The Apostle Paul is the author of a letter he wrote to the Phillipians and also wrote this verse about "looking forward and moving upward". If Paul focused his life on the past, the things he did before he was saved, it would have incapacitated him for the present work. Paul was persecuting Christians, dragging them out of their homes, arresting them, even consenting to their death, And I’m sure that there were things even after he was saved that occurred that he wish didn’t happen and yet he was able to let them go because his eyes were focused on what the Lord has for him here and now!
There are many of us who are spiritually unable to move forward because they live in the past. I know this personally because I was guilty of this several years. How do we let ourselves become "unable" to move forward? We hold onto grudges, sins, bitterness, tragedies of the past, refusing to let them go. Some of us try to live in the past making it into some kind of utopia and that too can paralyze us from the present work that God wants to do. Paul, in Galatians 4:9 rebukes them by saying, "But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage?" Satan's powerful game to play is for us to "focus on the past instead of what we can do today". Difficult habit to get out of but it can be done :-)
Then what should we do? Paul tells us that we are to be "reaching forward" which is a word that speaks of stretching. Think of it like this, a muscle that is stretched to its limit, like that of a rur who is stretching, straining to reach the finish line. At first we get tired, sore, think of the long road ahead. But before no time, we are moving forward Instead of reaching back we are running toward the goals that God has called us to do.We will be living for today and seeing what God is going to do.
Father God - Thank you so much for the chance to move forward and have hope for the future - all through Your strength. If we slip back and think about past hurts, remind us to call on Your Name and "live for today, working for tomorrow" instilling hope for our future. Thank you for the chance to move forward and be effective in our lives and for You each and every day. Amen
The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it. Mack R. Douglas
The Apostle Paul is the author of a letter he wrote to the Phillipians and also wrote this verse about "looking forward and moving upward". If Paul focused his life on the past, the things he did before he was saved, it would have incapacitated him for the present work. Paul was persecuting Christians, dragging them out of their homes, arresting them, even consenting to their death, And I’m sure that there were things even after he was saved that occurred that he wish didn’t happen and yet he was able to let them go because his eyes were focused on what the Lord has for him here and now!
There are many of us who are spiritually unable to move forward because they live in the past. I know this personally because I was guilty of this several years. How do we let ourselves become "unable" to move forward? We hold onto grudges, sins, bitterness, tragedies of the past, refusing to let them go. Some of us try to live in the past making it into some kind of utopia and that too can paralyze us from the present work that God wants to do. Paul, in Galatians 4:9 rebukes them by saying, "But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage?" Satan's powerful game to play is for us to "focus on the past instead of what we can do today". Difficult habit to get out of but it can be done :-)
Then what should we do? Paul tells us that we are to be "reaching forward" which is a word that speaks of stretching. Think of it like this, a muscle that is stretched to its limit, like that of a rur who is stretching, straining to reach the finish line. At first we get tired, sore, think of the long road ahead. But before no time, we are moving forward Instead of reaching back we are running toward the goals that God has called us to do.We will be living for today and seeing what God is going to do.
Father God - Thank you so much for the chance to move forward and have hope for the future - all through Your strength. If we slip back and think about past hurts, remind us to call on Your Name and "live for today, working for tomorrow" instilling hope for our future. Thank you for the chance to move forward and be effective in our lives and for You each and every day. Amen
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
God gives us a new day every morning :-)
O LORD, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress. Isaiah 33:2
Find peace in the morning rush and you will have a good day. ~Mike Dolan
Have you ever been up early in the morning, sometime around dawn? It is very quiet, very few cars are in the streets, there is no one to be seen walking around and even the birds are quiet. There is a serene quality early in the morning. If you want to get somewhere without rushing and
stress get up early and go. If you want to get a lot done at the office or even around the house get up early and get to work, you’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish. I'll admit that I'm one of those "morning" people but I think we are rare. lol In the morning, I find peace to pray and to read the Bible to start the day off right. If I miss it because of oversleeping, getting things done - it just feels like I've forgotten something all day.
When is your "quiet time with God"? If its hard to find time, just take a few minutes to pray about those whose concerns are close to your heart. Or to pray about situations that are concerning you. If you forget (as we all do!) just remember tomorrow is a fresh new start.
Father God - Thank you for new beginnings every morning. Help us to start the day with purpose, prayer and promise. Help us to be grateful to start a new day and have strength to handle each and every situation that lay before us. Thank you for your unconditional love. Amen.
Find peace in the morning rush and you will have a good day. ~Mike Dolan
Have you ever been up early in the morning, sometime around dawn? It is very quiet, very few cars are in the streets, there is no one to be seen walking around and even the birds are quiet. There is a serene quality early in the morning. If you want to get somewhere without rushing and
stress get up early and go. If you want to get a lot done at the office or even around the house get up early and get to work, you’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish. I'll admit that I'm one of those "morning" people but I think we are rare. lol In the morning, I find peace to pray and to read the Bible to start the day off right. If I miss it because of oversleeping, getting things done - it just feels like I've forgotten something all day.
When is your "quiet time with God"? If its hard to find time, just take a few minutes to pray about those whose concerns are close to your heart. Or to pray about situations that are concerning you. If you forget (as we all do!) just remember tomorrow is a fresh new start.
Father God - Thank you for new beginnings every morning. Help us to start the day with purpose, prayer and promise. Help us to be grateful to start a new day and have strength to handle each and every situation that lay before us. Thank you for your unconditional love. Amen.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
"There are no shortcuts to a place worth going"
9 We must not become tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9
You know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize. So run to win! 25 All those who compete in the games use self-control so they can win a crown. That crown is an earthly thing that lasts only a short time, but our crown will never be destroyed. 26 So I do not run without a goal. I fight like a boxer who is hitting something—not just the air. 1 Corinthians 9:24-26
We can easily lose heart and run out of strength when we come up against the same problems over and over again as we cope with life and relationships with others. Some of the great apostles, including Paul; recognized that fatigue and discouragement might cause Christians to throw in the towel and quit. So he presents two incentives to keep us from giving up when we grow weary of serving others in love. First, he assures us of a reward for doing good: at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up (v. 9). Sometimes the harvest is experienced in this life. When we sow acts of love, we reap a harvest of love in return. When we sow the seed of God's Word in needy lives, we experience the joy of response. But we must remember that reaping a harvest almost never happens on the same day as sowing the seed. We may not even see a harvest in this life from what we have sown. Nevertheless, we must never give up, because we know that at the proper time God will allow us to reap the rewards, growth and all good things.
Father God - Give us gudiance and strength to fulfill our destinies that YOU have planned for us. When we grow tired, help us to "walk another mile" despite the strong desire to quit. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that will encourage us to move forward and receive blessings that YOU want to give us. Thank you for your unfailing love. Amen.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Finding Peace Despite the Problems
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want" Phillipians 4: 12
Just an observation: it is impossible to be both grateful and depressed. Those with a grateful mindset tend to see the message in the mess. And even though life may knock them down, the grateful find reasons, if even small ones, to get up."
― Steve Maraboli,
What is it about when we hear about other's trials, problems and losses - it helps us to put things in a better perspective? Let's be honest - its easy to think we are going through "hard times", maybe get filled the thoughts of "why me". But when we "get out of our situation" and look around; we actually have what we need at that time.
When I think of Paul and the circumstances he went through to live his life for Christ, it helps me put my situation in a better perspective - to say the least! :-)
Paul maintained this Christ-centered faith during at least four years of suffering as a prisoner of the Roman government, first in Caesarea and then in Rome, possibly in other places as well. During his imprisonment, Paul wrote four letters that survive in our New Testament. They are Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon. Paul’s prison life, admittedly, was less than ideal. However, that is not the issue for the apostle Paul. He learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
Can we change our perspective and have peace instead of focusing on the problem? Prayer definitely helps. Practicing thankfulness daily can help. Focusing on blessings rather than problems, though difficult, is what we can strive for to have peace through uncertaintity.
Father God - Thank you so much for the daily blessings that we take for granted. Please give us peace and joy through any circumstance that we may find ourselves in - knowing that You are in ultimate control. Help us to "do our part" in finding peace; despite the problems. Thank you for constant encouragement through the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Brokenness leads to Blessing
I was doing the treadmill and listening to Dr. Charles Stanley. His message was on "Brokenness Leads to Blessing". In his message, he talked about how brokenness in his life led to more devotion, more dedication.
" It's difficult to discern the blessing in the midst of brokenness. Certain circumstances in life hurt, at times so intensely that we think we will never heal. After brokenness, we can experience God's greatest blessings. The dawn after a very dark and storm-wracked night is glorious. Joy after a period of intense mourning can be ecstatic. Brokenness is what God uses to replace our self-life with his desires and intents for us. Its end is blessing far greater than we could ever discover apart from being broken. It's spiritual maturity and joyous intimacy with God. Greater depth and power in our ministry to others. New dimensions of freedom, strength, and peace. And a wholeness that comes as God himself reassembles us into someone more closely resembling Jesus Christ. "
Isnt it difficult to imagine Dr. Charles Stanley having difficult times? But, come to think of it; many people I look up to today have "hit their low", "been broken" , etc. They have chosen, with God's grace and love to move forward, to receive blessing. Not an overnight process but it can happen.
Father God - Thank you so much for Your grace and love as we go through difficulties. Remind us that, if we look at ourselves honestly and make changes to improve through You, that you will provide the blessing. Help us to lean on others when we are in the midst of these changes - to help us to be accountable and honest with ourselves and You. Amen
" It's difficult to discern the blessing in the midst of brokenness. Certain circumstances in life hurt, at times so intensely that we think we will never heal. After brokenness, we can experience God's greatest blessings. The dawn after a very dark and storm-wracked night is glorious. Joy after a period of intense mourning can be ecstatic. Brokenness is what God uses to replace our self-life with his desires and intents for us. Its end is blessing far greater than we could ever discover apart from being broken. It's spiritual maturity and joyous intimacy with God. Greater depth and power in our ministry to others. New dimensions of freedom, strength, and peace. And a wholeness that comes as God himself reassembles us into someone more closely resembling Jesus Christ. "
Isnt it difficult to imagine Dr. Charles Stanley having difficult times? But, come to think of it; many people I look up to today have "hit their low", "been broken" , etc. They have chosen, with God's grace and love to move forward, to receive blessing. Not an overnight process but it can happen.
Father God - Thank you so much for Your grace and love as we go through difficulties. Remind us that, if we look at ourselves honestly and make changes to improve through You, that you will provide the blessing. Help us to lean on others when we are in the midst of these changes - to help us to be accountable and honest with ourselves and You. Amen
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Running "TO" problems instead of Running " AWAY"
This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s." 2 Chronicles 20:15
In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:6
I have had many years of practice "running away" from problems". Times when I've said to myself "I'll deal with that tomorrow,next week, etc when I feel more like dealing with it". "I don't want to make anyone mad, so I won't say anything to them". "Ill do _____ one last time. This time I just need to get away from everything that is going on". Do any of these excuses sound familiar?
If we are caught in a pattern of "running away", how can we stop? Are there times when running away is the answer?
In 1 Corinthians 6:18, it discusses times to flee when we are in the midst of "temptation". However, during trials and seeing problems up ahead; God wants us to lean on him to provide learning through tough times. These are times we have to see clearly what we and or others around us are doing to contribute to making the problems worse. And confront! Confront ourselves if we have gotten ourselves in a situation that we need to get out of. Confront others as well if they are contributing to the problem. Acknowledge and through baby steps, climbing out of the emotional "hole" we placed ourselves in.
On the BRIGHT side, once we are out of the "hole" and walking in the light - we never know what God will put before us. It will probably be much different and even better than what we imagined. :-)
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step....."
Father God - Thank you so much for trials that we must face and overcome, for they provide an opportunity to learn and grow in you. When we feel like running away, putting things off, not wanting to cause problems with others - give us strength and wisdom to confront these situations so we can move on and be more effective for you. Thank you for Your unfailing love. Amen.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Stop BLAMING and start AIMING!
Stop BLAMING and start AIMING"
The man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.” 13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this that you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” Genesis 3:12-13
“It’s time to care; it’s time to take responsibility; it’s time to lead; it’s time for a change; it’s time to be true to our greatest self; it’s time to stop blaming others.” ― Steve Maraboli
The man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.” 13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this that you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” Genesis 3:12-13
“It’s time to care; it’s time to take responsibility; it’s time to lead; it’s time for a change; it’s time to be true to our greatest self; it’s time to stop blaming others.” ― Steve Maraboli
As we can see, even the first human beings that God created had problems with "the blame game" :-) Adam blamed Eve for tempting him with the fruit of the "forbidden tree" and Eve blamed the serpent for tempting her to pick the apple to eat. Did it solve any problems? No, actually they were banished from the Garden of Eden to an earthly world to work, feel pain, and depend on their "free will" to obtain peace.
I definitely can admit that I have played the "blame game" in my relationships with friends, family, loved ones. What happens when we get stuck in "the blame game", blaming others for our problems? We MAKE the decision to NOT move forward.
Even the best of relationships can be affected by the "blame game". We blame others for many reasons, but the outcome is usually the same: The other instinctively goes on the defense, blames us in return and an argument ensues.
Blame + Defensiveness= No communication
Blame is a victim mindset, not an empowered one. Blame is a way to proscratinate solving the problem and improving it. Blame is a way of NOT taking responsibility for our future, for our happiness, for our lives.
So how do we stop blaming others for circumstances?
TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for our actions and reactions; for our thoughts, feelings, and words. This applies to the blamer and the blamee. Avoid blaming – focus on how to make improvements. Blaming is almost never associated with making improvements in a relationship.
COMMUNICATE with openness and with honesty. If you are blamed, discuss with your partner how you feel about being blamed, rather than point your finger back at them and blame them for blaming you!
Father God - Thank you so much for free will and personal choice in our lives. If we are blaming others for our situation - help us to examine how our decisions got us in the situation. Encourage us to move forward with Your strength and guidance. Help us to be a testimony for You to others by discipline and commitment. Thank you for wanting us to feel better, live better and have purpose through You. Amen
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Angels with Weapons :-)
Angels with Weapons"
Then the LORD opened Balaam's eyes, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the road with his sword drawn. So he bowed low and fell facedown. Numbers 22:31
After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side ...of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life. Genesis 3:24
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. e. e. cummings
My best girlfriend, whom I treasure dearly; told me a peculiar saying "even angels carry weapons" when we were talking recently. Angels carrying weapons?? lol. Not playing a harp, saving humans that are on the brink of danger, comforting those who grieve. Sounded crazy to me. However, when researching I did find verses that referred to angels carrying weapons to carry o...ut God's will, battling evil. Amazing!
So, if angels carry weapons - how can this apply to us? Sometimes even easy going, "not going to ruffle feathers" kind of people have to "raise our proverbial sword" to do battle for ourselves against Satan. To fight for God's will in our lives. It means to fight for what's right! Its ok to guard ourselves against people in our life that can't accept, respect God's will for our lives - God wants us to protect ourselves to be effective for him.
Thank you Charmayne - for teaching me a new saying, making me laugh and putting things in perspective. Love you chick!
Father God - Thank you so much for showing us Your Will in our lives - through Your Word, communication with You. Help us to feel Your strength when we have to fight against others to do Your Will in our lives. Help us to understand that you want us to have positive people in our lives that will ENCOURAGE us to be closer to you. Help us to claim Your favor in our lives. Amen.
Then the LORD opened Balaam's eyes, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the road with his sword drawn. So he bowed low and fell facedown. Numbers 22:31
After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side ...of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life. Genesis 3:24
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. e. e. cummings
My best girlfriend, whom I treasure dearly; told me a peculiar saying "even angels carry weapons" when we were talking recently. Angels carrying weapons?? lol. Not playing a harp, saving humans that are on the brink of danger, comforting those who grieve. Sounded crazy to me. However, when researching I did find verses that referred to angels carrying weapons to carry o...ut God's will, battling evil. Amazing!
So, if angels carry weapons - how can this apply to us? Sometimes even easy going, "not going to ruffle feathers" kind of people have to "raise our proverbial sword" to do battle for ourselves against Satan. To fight for God's will in our lives. It means to fight for what's right! Its ok to guard ourselves against people in our life that can't accept, respect God's will for our lives - God wants us to protect ourselves to be effective for him.
Thank you Charmayne - for teaching me a new saying, making me laugh and putting things in perspective. Love you chick!
Father God - Thank you so much for showing us Your Will in our lives - through Your Word, communication with You. Help us to feel Your strength when we have to fight against others to do Your Will in our lives. Help us to understand that you want us to have positive people in our lives that will ENCOURAGE us to be closer to you. Help us to claim Your favor in our lives. Amen.
Friday, January 3, 2014
The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly. Proverbs 20:27 (KJB)
For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. 1 Corinthians 2:10 (ESV)
Seek and embrace knowledge and advice but trust your gut feeling. Kenny Nola
The rational soul and conscience are as a lamp within us, which should be used in examining our dispositions and motives with the revealed will of God (Matthew Henry's Commentary, Proverbs 20:27)
As a person that only used "head knowledge" and "followed emotions" of the heart for most of my life thus far; learning to ask the Holy Spirit to guide me has been a relatively new process. As a best friend always tells me, "if I knew then what I know now...." lol. In my opinion, biblically; God instructs that if we base our decisions in life only on "head knowledge" or "emotions of the heart"; Satan truly has an easy foothold in our decisions. For me, its been easier to "trust my gut" when I am in daily communication and study with God. Some people believe we are listening our "conscience". I think that's true. But what I know, from my experience is that when I quiet my mind and heart - ask God to reveal what he wants me to do in a situation, the ANSWER is there. I feel it, believe it. A feeling of knowing what to do amongst the clutter of the mind and ever changing emotions.
If you haven't experienced how to tap into your "gut feelings" I'd encourage you to try with God's guidance. In a prayerful state, ask God to reveal what he wants you to do in a particular situation. Usually, for me; there is a strong YES if He wants me to proceed. If there is not a strong direction one way or the other; then He is telling me to not proceed. And sometimes there can be a strong answer of NO.
I understand that for some the concept of the Holy Spirit and "gut feelings" is difficult to believe, or comprehend. But everyone has a different walk with the Holy Spirit. The key is to examine yours:)
Father God - Thank you so much for Your Holy Spirit prompting us to discern, make wise decisions and be closer with You. Thank you for making us complex beings in Your Image. Help remind us that You are with us in our daily walk. Amen.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
New Year-New Beginnings Start with Daily Blessings
Blessed be the Lord day by day: the God of our salvation will make our journey prosperous to us. Psalm 68:19 (DRB)
"Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering." ― Steve Maraboli
A secret to happiness is prayerfully counting your blessings, while offering thanks to God. This is something I continue to work on DAILY :).
When I'm having a bad day, sometimes I remind myself to take a few minutes and start thanking God for all the blessings He's given to me. Shelter, food, my immediate family/children, a job, etc. Thankful for basics? You betcha! I find that my focus turns from things that make me sad, to things that make me happy. Before long, with God's guidance and in God's will; we begin to have faith that ALL things are possible. There is hope for the future and options are limitless, through His Love for us.
In summary, counting blessings that we receive is the first step in identifying, working toward and achieving goals never thought possible through Him.
Blessings in the New Year !
Father God - Thank you so much for giving us the blessing of starting afresh every morning. Help us to count our blessings more than we count our problems. Guide us to be a blessing for others. Show us that with daily discipline in Your Word and communication with you that ALL things are possible through You. Thank you for your faithfulness and love. Amen.
"Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering." ― Steve Maraboli
A secret to happiness is prayerfully counting your blessings, while offering thanks to God. This is something I continue to work on DAILY :).
When I'm having a bad day, sometimes I remind myself to take a few minutes and start thanking God for all the blessings He's given to me. Shelter, food, my immediate family/children, a job, etc. Thankful for basics? You betcha! I find that my focus turns from things that make me sad, to things that make me happy. Before long, with God's guidance and in God's will; we begin to have faith that ALL things are possible. There is hope for the future and options are limitless, through His Love for us.
In summary, counting blessings that we receive is the first step in identifying, working toward and achieving goals never thought possible through Him.
Blessings in the New Year !
Father God - Thank you so much for giving us the blessing of starting afresh every morning. Help us to count our blessings more than we count our problems. Guide us to be a blessing for others. Show us that with daily discipline in Your Word and communication with you that ALL things are possible through You. Thank you for your faithfulness and love. Amen.
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